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    Rolond's Office.


    Posts : 633
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    Age : 38
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    Rolond's Office. Empty Rolond's Office.

    Post  Jing Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:46 pm

    Rufus walks into the Guild waves his injured hand at Gretta, then walks down the hall to the office of Rolond his task master. and Knocks politely. Gretta peeks her head down the hall and holds out a form and points at it angrily.  Can you please fill it out for me? With a roll of her eyes she complies.  Her body language screams "whatever."

    Posts : 582
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    Join date : 2011-10-26
    Age : 36

    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:26 pm

    The door swings open and Roland emerges from his office with a stern look of dissapproval on his face.
    Listen here greenhorn, I know you new around here but you should know by now how things work.... You schedule an appointment and then I call for you! Now what in blazes is so important that you would risk my wrath raining down upon your head by shirking protocol?!?
    Roland crosses his arms and waits for a good answer from Rufus....

    Posts : 633
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    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Jing Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:21 pm

    He reaches with his good hand into his pack and pulls out a bottle of Falastir's Gesture. I was asked to deliver these to my taskmaster and he would see to the rest being delivered to the appropriate people. I was told to hurry so I skipped protocol, I apologize, it won't happen again. He tosses the bottle gently to his cross taskmaster. I also have a mission to report in addition to this delivery.

    Posts : 582
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    Age : 36

    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Mr.Hero Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:50 am

    Roland catches the bottle and stares at it for a moment. He slowly becomes aware of what is going on and the importance of it all.
    In my office, now!
    He leads Rufus into the office and gestures for him to take a seat then takes his seat behind his desk
    Okay, your going to tell me where you got this and what you've been up to since last we met. I cannot stress enough that every detail is vitally important no matter how insignificant it may seem.
    Roland then takes out some parchment, pen, and ink to take down notes of what Rufus has to report...

    Posts : 582
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    Age : 36

    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:39 am


    Posts : 633
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    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Rolond's Office. Empty Deliverer

    Post  Jing Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:48 am

    I guess I will start after I left here last time since there are some interesting bit of info. I left last time with a real sense of accomplishment.  I was really quite excited about everything and I had lots of ideas running through my mind.  So I went back to Gaius’ Magic Emporium to spend my gold.  I bought an apprentice wand and 5 magic bullets.  Then I headed to the local monastery to get some peace and quiet while I worked on my design upgrades.  

    Apparently the monastery was not the best place to go if one is in search of peace and quiet, and so I soon found myself engaged in the conversation topic at hand.  A lady, who they called Professor, was lecturing on the subject of a recently discovered group of creatures call Pneomoks.  She showed the avid listeners a crystal device that was used to capture these creatures and a potion to use to help heal apparently corrupted individuals.   I was quite enthralled by the ideas and concepts behind the capture mechanics in these strange devices so I decided to stick around after the lecture to speak with the professor directly.  Pixie magic was the inspiration, Professor Willow also informed me that soon she would have more readily available versions of her “Pneoball” that allowed the person who successfully finishes the ritual of containment to be able to release and store the Pneomoks for travel purposes.  She explained to me how the ritual worked and gave me a Pneoball; she also explained to me that these Pneomoks have a tendency to become extremely loyal to whoever captures them.  She hypothesized it as an unintended side effect of the capture ritual, so she said she would be very careful to whom she give the pneoballs to.

    Finally I was able to get to work on my blueprint.  I hypothesized by sacrificing the abilities of the magical enhancement of the created applicable crossbow enhancement in my weapon and enchanting the sub framed wand implement imbedded to channel arcane energy, I would be able to give my revolver wand implement enchantments.  Once I figured out all the formulas and wrote out the proper rituals, I was ready to perform the experiment.  I was successful.  I attuned my gun to my psyche and now no one other than myself will be able to use it properly.  I’ll be able to use my gun and I could call it to me as long as it remained on the same plane of existence as me.  With this discovery I wrote a formal letter to Zegi explaining my findings, and also wrote down my formulas for the Guild as well.  I delivered my findings to the guild and decided it was a good time to inquire about a new endeavor.

    I couldn’t believe it but there were actually missions now I was overqualified for!  I thought twice about signing up for the job that had the word warforged in the description, but I could not help myself. The point of contact this time however was a warforged who was living in the sewer system beneath Moetown.  Oddly enough it did not state its name, but it did say to seek the Taskmaster Markorov for more details and an accurate map of the tunnels.  I walked to where the offices are and knocked on the door, and was greeted by a very old gnome with a long white beard.  After introductions he asked me to come in and sit down.  He was brief and cryptic about the identity of the warforged I sought and gave me quite a detailed map of where to go and what turns to make and where to be very careful.  He also warned me about rats and the possibility of catching filth fever.  I thanked him and went on my way.

    As far as I could tell the closest entrance into the sewer was next to the monastery, so I headed there and found that apparently a group of bandits were slowly being rooted out and that each entrance was now being guarded by the local guard.  I told them I had business down there with the Guild, and they let me in.  They opened the manhole and I promptly descended into the sewer.  It wasn’t very long until I understood why they had warned me about the rats.  I was quickly swarmed by a group of the rodents and leading the swarm was two giant rats.  The swarm was easily dispatched thanks to the use of my newly developed technique that creates a burst of lightning at a distance.  The other two rats fell just as quickly from two quick shots from my revolver. Luckily none of the rodents managed to bite me, but I was weary of my ability to continue to dodge the little teeth if anymore were to be attacked again.  The stench I assumed I would get used to, but that hypothesis was proven wrong when I reached an area where I had to carefully slide along the wall.  Finally I arrived in at the old bandit hideout described to me by Markorov.  Outside the door just as he described were two warforged guards both standing vigilant.  Once again I had to explain my business there and I promptly entered despite my desire to admire the craftsmanship of the well made warforged.
    Inside I found an interesting sight three little Halfling sized warforged were speaking with a warforged garbed in a robe, from what conversation I overheard both were very happy to be in the sewers.  Once again I pressed on down the doorway in the back of the room, and down a long well lit corridor that opened up it to a large cavern with giant pillars and underground pools.  I found a tiled path lit by glowing octahedrons that lead to the massive door which was currently wide open.  Walking into the room I was taken aback by what I saw, the workshop of a master artificer.  Multiple warforged working on parts of other warforged, and in the center of all the commotion was what I could sense as a strong being of immense arcane strength.  I was genuinely afraid and in a world I could barley even dream of comprehending.  Somehow the warforged sensed my apprehension.  “Human, what brings me to my domain?”  I explained that I was there on guild business, and he promptly described to me the job at hand.

    Apparently some of my fellow guild members recently awoke him from a period of inactivity, and as per the suggestion of Markorov the sudden influx of warforged may alarm the current residents of Moetown so Primary, that is what the warforged called itself, must outsource certain duties he would normally task to a fellow warforged.   He called over a warforged with a large chest compartment, opened it, and pulled out two bags and a large pack.  He explained that each bag or pack enveloped and area of extra dimensional space and could contain much more than they appeared.  He told me to deliver one bag to Markorov and the other to the Chicken-man.  The pack however needed to be delivered to a location only known to the Everyman, and he warned me that I should not put the bags into the pack for any reason.
    I was to be a delivery man.  I took the opportunity that I had to ask Primary a few questions about warforged and advanced artificer techniques.  Most of the ideas went straight over my head though; he told me that once I advanced in my studies further he would teach me some advanced techniques.  I left in a sense of awe but also was mildly depressed because I felt at the time that the job I was doing was not that important or exciting. I went out the same way I came, and luckily I had no incidents with any rodents on my exit path due to the continual cleaning and patrolling of the warforged.  I first stopped back by Markorov’s office to give him his bag, but he was not there he had apparently gone for lunch.  So then I made my way to this Chicken-man’s shack.  Luck was on my side once again.  Markorov was eating chicken for lunch. This was good because I could not find a way to communicate with the crazy old guy.  I delivered the bags to both of them and headed straight to Moe’s tavern, after another brief explanation of my delivery.

    When I arrived at Moe’s, I laid down the pack and sat down in an empty stool at the bar.  Moe poured me a glass of ale and handed me a piece of paper.  The piece of paper had written on it directions of where to drop off the pack.  I started to drink my ale when Moe came out of the kitchen with a Genasi and then pointed at the pack.  The Genasi took the pack back to the kitchen, it is then that I looked at the paper more intently and found that it sent me to a densely forested area far from Moetown that was a known as Skitterback Hill. I was to look for a certain path marked by two rocks that resembled a bird person, and follow the path till I reach a broken bridge that goes used to go over a creek.  Then follow the creek north till I reach more birdlike statues and follow them to a small cave entrance, and then leave the pack just inside the cave entrance.  When I looked up from my note a large barrel rolled in through the door seemingly on its own, however it was a dwarf delivering some free samples of ale.  I didn’t realize that Moe’s tavern was such a busy place.

    I gathered the necessary provisions for my journey and went on my way. But first I decided to stop by the explorers guild to see if I could get some directions on how to get to Skitterback Hill.  The man running the place tried to make me charge the guild with some outrageous fees, but I didn’t feel comfortable with making that kind of decision and though it would be best to decline and find another way.  But when I declined he told me that I was a kitten murderer, odd fellow.  But a very nice goblin with a very friendly wolf named Fang gave me a map and very good directions, and some advice for the area.  Apparently there are lots of goblins around there.  I figured I would be fine considering that the Skullhead tribe was very kind to the wolf population there.  What I didn’t understand until I got there was that the Skitterback tribe controlled the area where I needed to go…and they don’t like wolves.

    They trek was nice and I made it to the forest without problems, I decided to go to wolf form upon entering the forest so no to cause much of a disturbance.  This worked to my advantage multiple times when I came across a patrol of Skullheads.  They just yelled something in Goblin raised their weapons and went on their way.  But I let my guard down, when I entered into Skitter back controlled area it was not long until I was ambushed by a small patrol of spider riding goblins,  I narrowly escaped after having one of my paws injured by a spider bite.  I made it to the cave entrance and passed out.  I came too in a large room with a dragon staring at me, with my wound treated.  However the damage had been done, my hand was severely damaged.  The dragon was quite a nice guy, made me answer some riddles and gave me beer, ale, and chicken steak!  I departed after promising to only tell who I had to about his existence. Apparently the pack was actually meant for him.  He also gave me this package to deliver to you as I stated before, along with that bottle of beer. Falastir said you would know what to do with it.  With my job complete I began the trek back home, and with the advice of Falastir I traveled through the Skitterback territory on two feet.

    I stopped at a guard post on the way back to restock and rest, and that is where I met a group of adventurers heading into the forest on a mission from Markorov.  I pointed them in the direction of Falastir’s cave and warned them of the danger but not of Falastir himself, though I do not know if they will be heading my advice.  It is a dangerous place to be right now, especially for outsiders.  Have you heard back from them yet?

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    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:44 pm

    As Roland continues to scribble notes onto his paper, he smirks a bit
    So you met Primary and Falastir eh? Falastir is a very interesting dragon. Kind of him to take care of you the way that he did but we all know he's really a softie at heart...
    Roland puts down his pen and stands up clasping his hands together behind his back and pacing.
    Well you have been very busy. And this task which you have performed was more important that you could have realized. Events have taken place out of the public's knowledge for quite some time now and they are all beginning to show their consequences. I thank you for your work and want to express my gratitude and condolences over your injuries...
    He walks back to his desk and retrieves a strange purpleish stone from a drawer and tosses it to Rufus.
    That's an astral diamond Rufus. It's worth 10,000 gold. I am deeply sorry that you lost the use of you hand due to the hazards of the task in which you undertook and I hope that this, in some small way, will help to compensate you. As for the adventurers you met, I am not aware of their return. But I do know that Markorov is assembling another team to retrieve to head out that way. You've done well Rufus and I hope that you continue the good work. This has been a stressful mission for you. you might want to take some time off, It'll be good for you. Now unless you have any further questions I believe that will be all for this meeting.
    Roland sits back down behind his desk.

    Posts : 633
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    Rolond's Office. Empty Re: Rolond's Office.

    Post  Jing Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:11 pm

    Thank you sir. I know there is more going on than I know. Hope that you enjoy the beer. Rufus leaves Rolond's office waves Good-bye to Greta and departs.

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