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    Who You Gonna Call?


    Posts : 582
    Points : 720
    Join date : 2011-10-26
    Age : 36

    Who You Gonna Call? Empty Who You Gonna Call?

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:04 am

    After leaving the demons in a pool of their own blood, Dante and Frankie make there way back to Moe's Tavern in search of work. Dante leads his new companion Yuffie along with a smile on his face.
    You know, that chicken man is kinda crazy... but I gotta find a way to thank him. Look at how beautiful my Yuffie has grown up to be!
    Yuffie has razor sharp talons, yellow feathers with blood-red tips, jet black eyes that peer into one's soul, and a beak which could tear a man apart. Frankie follows along and rolls his eyes.
    Yeah whatever, she's just adorable.... Look can't I just take an iou?
    Nope. Fact is, I just can't find it withing myself to trust you Frankie. So, if I can't get the money outta you, I'm gonna have to work it outta you. Now lets just head on over to Moe's, find ourselves a poor sob with a huge bounty on his head and reap the rewards.
    As they continue on their way, they pass by the temple of Pelor. The paladins there have come to know Frankie and Dante well over the last few days.... which is not necessarily a good thing. They've come to consider Frankie a blasphemer and Dante an abomination. While walking along the road, they notice a well-to-do looking lady pleading with a paladin outside the doors to the temple...

    Oh please, there has to be something you can do!!! I can't go back there, there's no telling what would happen to me! Surely there is someone here who is qualified to exercise my home!
    I'm sorry mam, but I'm afraid not. There is a situation outside of Lightville and many of our paladins have left Moetown to respond to the threat. There is no one who I can send.
    But I can pay you! I can make it worth your time! Here's a purse of 60 platinum pieces for you if you can get rid of the spirits haunting my home!

    I smell opportunity! Dante rushes over to the paladin an the lady... Mam, I hear your having some trouble of the supernatural variety... My associate and I have dealt extensively on the matter of creatures that go bump in the night. I therefore humbly offer our services to you!

    Oh thank you, thank you so much! You have no idea how relieved I am! These good-for-nothing paladins wont lift a finger not even to help a poor helpless old woman like myself! My manor is just outside of Moetown. If you head down the eastern road, you will see a hill surrounded by woods with a worn path leading up it. If you go down this path, you will see my home. Please, head there post-haste and I will reward you upon you return!

    You've got yourself a deal! He shakes the lady's hand and bids here farewell.

    The two make their way to the mansion and head down the eastern road and find the hill that the lady spoke of. As they walk down the path to the manor, Frankie scratches his head for a moment.
    Hmm.... I wonder why this lady is being haunted... She seems nice, in addition to seeming wealthy. Maybe her home was built on an ancient burial site! Or maybe a recently deceased relative is harboring ill feelings in the afterlife and still holds a vendetta against her!
    I don't know but whatever spirit is there, we're gonna send it back to the afterlife.

    They finally make it to the manor which is an elaborate mansion. Clearly the home of a wealthy individual. The front doors are tall and have ornate designs carved into the wood. There are gargoyles on the roof and beautiful flowers surrounding the perimeter of the home. Night begins to fall on the two bounty hunters (turned ghost busters). Dante ties his demon-chicken-steed to a tree.
    Stay here Yuffie, I'll be back for you soon. And with any luck, I'll have some nice demon blood for you as a treat!
    Yuffie squawks with delight.
    That's disgusting... Well, let's get this over with...I wanna earn this money and get out of this indentured servitude.... I don't like the way your bird looks at me.

    They open the front doors and walk into the mansion. There are no lights on in the home and everything is shrouded in darkness. As they walk farther into the foyer, the front doors slam, shutting out all light and leaving the two in the dark. Light bursts forth from Dante as he raises his left arm up and summons fire in his fist.
    You happen to have any sunrods in your pack Frankie, 'cause I sure don't.
    Nope, We'd better find some lanterns or something...
    They search the foyer and find several lanterns hanging from the walls. The both grab one and Dante lights the wicks with is fire fingers. Dante shakes his left hand vigorously to put out the fire.
    Okay, let's find this ghost...
    Suddenly a voice shouts throughout the mansion.
    Who dares to enter here???? I am the Lord Worthington, master of the house! Begone with you!

    Dante, scratches his chin...
    Hmm.... I wonder where this apparition may be hiding...COME ON OUT YOU COWARD!!!! Dante takes out one of his guns in his right hand and fires off three shots one after another up towards the ceiling as Frankie leaps out of the way.
    What in the blazes are you doing! You could have shot me you lunatic!
    Eh, maybe. Just keep that in mind....I could have shot you...Dante reloads his gun and puts it back in his holster. Maybe he'll come out and play now...
    Just then all of the doors and shutters begin to swing open and slam shut over and over, books fly off of shelves and the previously unlit lanterns flicker on and off. A strong wind sweeps through the room and then the voice screams again: GET OUT!!!!!

    Well, I guess we got his attention didn't we! Let's push on...
    Push on? This is a seriously pissed off spirit and you just made him even more upset! And you just calmly say "let's push on"? I get the feeling this won't end well....

    The spend the next 30 minutes going through various rooms: the kitchen, the dining room, a few bedrooms upstairs, and then arrive at the study. A large circular room in the west wing of the mansion, it has tall bookshelves, a large fireplace, and luxurious furniture ontop of a luxurious carpet with a luxurious table holding various luxurious brandies and spirits....Quite the luxurious room indeed...

    After inspecting the room for a few minutes, Dante starts to get visibly frustrated.
    Ugh! This is starting to get annoying...
    He crosses his arms and leans back against the mantle of the fireplace. As he does so, he pushes a candle stick horizontally across the mantle and a "click" sound is heard. Immediately proceeding the sound, the entire fireplace and area around it rotates so that the fireplace is positioned perpendicular to the wall revealing a spiral staircase leading downwards.
    Welp, maybe we should go down there Mr. Cranky Pants.
    Dante grunts a bit as he regains his composure after being startled by the revolving fireplace. I guess so.

    The two travel down the stair case and find themselves in an old family crypt. The stone walls have long recesses in them which hold the caskets of dead members of the Worthington family. Beside each casket is a metal plate engraved with the family member's name and a brief epitaph about his/her life. As they walk along, the can hear faint noises from up ahead and a glint of light is visible from around a corner. Walking carefully and quietly, the can hear the voices of a couple of men and the sound of tools.

    They better be gone Zartan, if they catch us it's all over!
    Have no worries, my illusion spells are the best! They'll never catch on and my uncle's hidden fortunes will be mine soon. Just keep digging!
    Yeah but what if we're digging in the wrong spot again!
    Silence! I'm not paying you to talk back!
    *whisper*technically you not paying me at all...I only get a cut IF we find treasure
    What was that?
    Oh, noting...

    Dante and Frankie look at each other for a moment with instantaneous realization of what is going on here and begin to whisper to one another...
    These guys are trying to steal from that old lady...and it sounds like her dead husband left her a fortune and more treasure is buried somewhere in this crypt... lets take these guys out and call it a day.
    Yeah....we could do that. OR we can wait for them to dig up the treasure and THEN take them out....
    No, it's simply bad karma stealing from an old widow Dante cocks his pistols and gets ready...We both take out the guy with the shovel first then handle the greedy nephew. 1...2...3... They leap out and curse the shoveler. Dante fires his pistol and Frankie runs the bandit through with his sword. The bandit falls over dead and the nephew falls to the ground and surrenders....

    Oh please don't kill me! I'm sorry.... It just isn't fair that uncle left me out of his will! I know he has a fortune down here! I was only trying to take what was rightfully mine! You understand don't you? He cowers and begs on his knees.

    I understand that you've been tormenting your aunt and she's paid me to get rid of you... Dante holds his gun to the nephew's head...I'm going to give you to the count of 10 to get out of my sight and if I ever hear that you're bothering your aunt again, I'll shoot you down with out a second thought....You understand me don't you?1..2...3...4.... Before Dante can get to 5, the greedy nephew flees the scene.

    Well now, that takes care of that...

    You ruin everything... there's no telling how much loot we could have walked away with...

    Yeah well... There is some treasure over there in a box that they seem to have found...I suppose the gathered all of that from other bodies left in the crypt. I guess you can take that...

    Frankie grumbles a bit and then collects about 10pp and 500gp.

    They leave the mansion and head back for Moetown to begins searching for the Widow. After talking with a cleric from the temple, the find out that she has rented a room from Moe's. The make their way to her and start to explain what happened.... sort of....

    So you see, your dead husband was simply communicating from the grave in his own way that you should be weary of your nephew. But not to worry, using a ritual, we were able to put his soul to rest.

    Oh thank you so much! I can't believe that it was my poor old husband! Did he say anything about me???

    Oh, uh, yeah! He said, uh, that he misses your beautiful face and your wonderful cooking!

    That's my Warren, such a sweet angle of a man! I just cant thank you enough! In fact I'll pay you double for your hard work! She offers them a large coinpurse.

    Thank you mam, I hope that you can return to a normal life in you home. Good day!
    Dante and Frankie walk out of Moe's and begin to divide up the money.
    Now then... lets see that ends up being about 12000gp worth of money here...split evenly between the two of us that ends up being 6000gp each.... Of course there's the money you owe me so I'll just be taking that out of your earnings.... so that makes 9000 for me and 3000 for you, and your debt is paid. Now I'll be on my way
    Dante puts his 9000gp in a money bag in his pack and hands Frankie the leftovers.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:28 am