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    Concerning the town of Bartopia


    Posts : 442
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    Join date : 2011-10-28

    Concerning the town of Bartopia Empty Concerning the town of Bartopia

    Post  Bort Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:33 am

    Geography: Lying just off the beaten path, Bartopia remains a fairly quiet place. Forests nearly surround the town on all sides but are daily being cut away for more farm land and for timber. There is a river beside the town which still has not been bridged causing most people to visit the settlement from the north through way of a ford a few miles up the road. North of the town is mainly forest for many miles. To the North East if one is searching and has provisions for many days one can reach the outskirts of the Raman empire. To the East the forests extend up to the slopes of a few mountains. To the South the river flows eventually falling over some rocks and plunging into a lake where a town of dragonborn is said to have sprung up. And to the west is the way through the crossroads.

    People: Bartopia was founded by Baramaus the Elder. He traveled from the Raman empire with his son and a few others. He is very wise and very knowledgeable but now spends much less time around others. Titus led his wife and children out of the Ramen empire with Baramaus. He was also a noble in the empire and at one point had been the commanding officer over Baramauson which is how he came to know the family have greatly respect them both. Titus has no problem following the rule of Baramauson in the town of Bartopia. He sees his as a great leader. The children of Titus however hold little respect for Baramauson's only child. Despite the few number of people in the town, an aristocracy is already seeming to form as the descendants of Raman's make most of the decisions in the town with what seems like little care for the several other families who reside in Bartopia.

    Economy: Bartopia like most small villages survives mostly off of subsistence agriculture. Surrounding forests however offer prime hunting in addition to food that is grown. A small amount of domesticated cattle are also maintained as a resource in addition to the wild game. If Baramaus and Titus has brought their entire wealth with them when they departed then they could have easily fed the village for years, unfortunately, it is beleived that Baramaus squandered whatever he brought chasing Legends and searching for artifacts.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:18 am