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    New Character Guidelines


    Posts : 582
    Points : 720
    Join date : 2011-10-26
    Age : 36

    New Character Guidelines Empty New Character Guidelines

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:18 am

    So I want to make a few guide lines so character creation is standardized a bit. These will probably change at some point but here's what I've got so far

    1. Create a new thread titled New Character-[your character's name]

    2. If rolling your stats do what we've been doing so far: rolling 4d6 dropping the lowest d6 result 6 times then assigning those numbers to your ability scores. Do this in the newly created thread for your character

    3. After filling out your character sheet, upload it to either dropbox, onedrive, or (my personal favorite) google drive and post the link on your character's thread.

    4. Pick out a picture (or draw one if you feel like it) to be used for your character should we need it for a token. Post the image or a link to the image in your character's thread.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:21 am