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    The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai


    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai Empty The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai

    Post  Jing Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:13 pm

    So as to not forget my dreams, my trusted friend Zegi, informed me that I should put them in writing. So here is my account of the I had last night the 16th, 6th month of the White Dragon:

    I am standing in an open field as the breeze bends around me I can smell the rain in the air. I feel the tempurature dropping and the wind picking up speed. I gaze towards the horizon, and see the darkness rolling in. A violent storm is approaching quickly. The wind picks up and the rain begins to fall. Before me i can see the distant forrest feeling the full wrath of the storm. Ligntning stiking the tallest of the trees. Without mercy the strom decimates all in its path. Ater the storm clears, and the sky become blue once more, I can see whats left of the forrest. The trees that stood together,still standing tall.

    I have yet to mention this dream to anyone else but my mate, and she tells me it was just a dream. But I don't believe that this dream is more than happen-stance, I feel the storm coming still. I must think on this dream more.

    Last edited by Jing on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 633
    Points : 691
    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai Empty A Sword Defying Time Itself

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:53 am

    I finally fell asleep tonight but my rest was not as sound as I had hoped. Upon further examination I believe it to be my minds wasy of coping with all the new information. Here is the best account of what I remember to have happened.

    I am once again standing in a field, before me a giant boulder was in the middle of the field. In my hands I have a sword that I can feel the magic wanting to escape. My body begins rushing toward the stone and I swing, slicing it in two. The rock then falls apart and when it does the ground begins to shake and splits beneath my very feet. Then I fall and I am no longer in a field but on the very top of a mountain. From here I can see the whole realm. The Great Dragon Spirit appeared before me, and looked very angry. It attacked me, and just when I was about to be eaten, the sword brought me back to the field where the boulder stood before me just as it was before I sliced it in two. I again attacked it on impulse and the ground split beneath me once more. And the events unfolded just as before.

    I relived this countless times before I awoke. I do not understand this dream one bit, and it has begun to fustrate me! I have asked Zegi to think on it as well as Elder Grusho. Time to get to get to work, the Growing season is almost here. Almost forgot to tell the date: Last day of the 6th month of the White Dragon.

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai Empty Living Shadows

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:12 pm

    I have been haunted by this dream for days now, fear seems to be clawing its way into my brain. Previously I have awoken with only great dread, but I am finally able to remember some of the dream.

    I am standing in the same field that I tend to dream about, and all I can see is the golden sea of grain. Around me are what I believe humans call scarecrows, used to ward away pests and the evils that could befall the field. The sun rapidly sets on the field and the moon rises casting shadows off of the scarecrows as it moves accross the sky. As each shadow streches it seems to become a deep black serpent intent on strangling me. No matter which way I turn the moon constantly moves to create the shadow behind me, all I can do is watch the shadows creep up my body and eventually envelope me in darkness.

    I wake up, and all I feel is this complete fear take hold. Fear is not a feeling I particularly enjoy or tolerate for long. I must find a way to combat this fear, and I vow to never let it get the best of Takazorai Bragmasho. So it is on the 22nd day, 2nd month of the Blue Dragon.

    Last edited by Jing on Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : speeling error)

    Posts : 633
    Points : 691
    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    The Storm Dragon Shaman: Takazorai Empty Happy Dreams

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:11 am

    It has been long since my dreams have had any feeling of hope. Fear and Pain have made my dreams nightmares for far to long. This morning I awoke with feeling of joy, and I finally feel as though I have had a decent slumber. I will try to make the best account of what I saw in the Field last night.

    I found myself standing in the field surrounded by my clansmen, who are working the field preparing it for planting. The Great Dragon Spirit rushes through the field with such undescribible beauty, the flew into the sky and formed a rain cloud. The rain poured onto the field and the workers alike. The field instantly started to grow, or maybe time lurched forward, instead of crops coming from the ground there were eggs, and out of the eggs hatched full grown dragonborn warriors. I watched as Kran and Alta picked thier egg, that had strange markings in the form of a thundercloud rippling with lightning. As I drew closer to see the egg a burst of lightning and a clap of thunder hurls me backward onto my back.

    That is when I awake, with a great feeling of pride welling inside me and hope for the future. May the Great Dragon Spirit guide us and protect us, and may we be mighty and prosperous. Today is the 12 day of the 2nd month of the White Dragon. I cannot believe that one year has already almost past again.

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