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    Kran's Epic Adventures


    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Kran's Epic Adventures Empty Kran's Epic Adventures

    Post  Jing Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:18 pm

    Today was amazing! I made new allies, and even better I defeated foes with honor on the battlefield. It was epic! My favorite part was when I defeated six kobolds with one lightning blast!

    I arrived at Moe's Tavern and Inn, on a quest from my father, on the 19th day, 6th month in the dead season. I sat down at a table and there were actually others there. I was apprehensive at first, not sure how to approach them, but when i saw my oppurtunity I announced my presence. Mother would be so proud, with an unloaded crossbow pointed at me I proclaimed my name for the honor and the glory of the clan. The human rouge or ranger, not really sure which one he is, I did not care for at first, but my father told me to come and make friends not enimies. Now the Eldrin, who I need to appologize to for calling him an elf, I was getting wierd feeling from from the begining turned out to be from the future! How interesting the day had already become. Then just as I was about to introduce them to my Great Fang a Paladin comes stolling into the bar. He was a good fighter but I suspect he was there to escape from his problems.

    We decided as a group to head to my home so that Desmond, the eldrin swordmage from the future, could meet my father who has been having strange dreams. On the way I learned many new things, especially about jokes. Aparently to humans if you degrade them and then laugh it is considered to be extremely funny. Then those disdainful kobolds attacked us, they were not very worthy advesariers unfortunatly. The rogue Bort dropped one of the bigger ones with one bolt, I misread his abilities. He is a worthly ally, even though he needs some work on respect.

    The next day we came accross a group of unsuspecting kobolds. I got to jump through a bush! We rested after that battle and then made our way to my villiage. My heart raced when i saw my down under siege of this despicable creatures. We defeated them at the gate of the Jinuzega family compund. The paladin required healing from our healer Zania, from a crossbow bolt to the back. Bort blamed it on a kobold sniper, but I susspect him to have been incorrect due to the fact kobold snipers use slings.

    After introducing my friends to the council we all went our separte ways about town, I suspect most will visit Zegi and get somethin enchanted. The town seemed very happy to have outsiders roaming about, and proud to show off our villiage. My father seemed a little off after meeting Desmond however. I need to talk to him very soon about this matter.

    For the Glory and Honor of the Clan!
    Last day of the 6th month of the White Dragon.

    Last edited by Jing on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 633
    Points : 691
    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Kran's Epic Adventures Empty Excitement

    Post  Jing Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:11 am

    Today was amazing! Nothing out of the ordinary, it was just a good day.

    I did not have much to do today so I went to watch some of the apprentices train. My brother Jian was sparring with Mother. I remember those days, and having to wipe the blood out of my eyes at the end of each session. Mother is ruthless but a wonderful teacher. Jian is an exceptional student, however he does lack strength. But what he lacks in strength he makes up for it in speed.

    Then I searched out Alta and Lira. They were not too far into the caves practicing magicks, I got a little bit too close to a fireball and got my armor a little singed. Alta is doing a wonderful job as teacher and mentor for Lira, she is quite exceptional. I remember when she first developed her breath weapon, hers was the strongest my father had seen as a young one. She will make for a good mate. I did not get a chance to talk to her however, because it seems that some more kobolds have been spotted in the area, and I have been assigned to the search party. Grochigro Katukazra, head of the Katukazra family and tracker, is leading our merry quest. The eldest son from the Grusho and the eldest daughter of the Jinuzega will be meeting me in the gathering hall, then we are to meet Chigro at the bridge.

    I am so excited, it is just about time for me to get moving. Don't want to be late to the party, maybe I will see if Desmond would like to join me. He seems to be brooding on the future to much. Nothing like a little trek through the woods to bring you back to the present.

    For the Glory and Honor of the Clan
    9th day, 4th month of the Green Dragon.

    Posts : 633
    Points : 691
    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Kran's Epic Adventures Empty New Friends and Old Ones

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:57 am

    Today was amazing! Our comrads from the Dragon Isles finnally arrived in our village during the last month of Red Dragon. They have affectionatly named our village, Ihk Tiichi. Everyone seems to be settling in quite nicely, well except for the two families from the Marfedelom's Marsh and Xarzith Ixen Mountain. They are not quite use to the not so terrible weather and hospitable conditions. Once they get used to the weather both families should be fine. Oh and we actually have a family of Shifters that moved in that were in need of assistance that they found on thier way here. Maybe we will have more Non-Dragonkind continue to make thier home here.

    In writing this entry I have realized that I have not kept up with everything, these past two seasons I have actually had the oppurtunity to quest with my friends twice and have yet to write anything about it. But both experiances are burned into my memory and have both made a large impact on my life.

    First I will start with the events still on my mind while I am in a good mood, for what transpired in the Green Dragon will surly spoil my mood. In the 6th month of the Red Dragon I had decided to travel to Moe's to just to clear my head for the up coming ceremony, which is mere days away now. I ran into to Vectros and Desmond there and found out that Vectros had been toubled by stange dreams, and he said he was heading to Bartopia because that is where he believes his troubles may be rooted. Once we got there we ran into Bort and went to find this mystery path Vectros was so adament about finding. We followed this fath for quite a ways and it became rather unfriendly, then we found an abandoned cart and Bort started to put pieces together. Something about a strange man who left the villiage and explotions, I really wasn't very focused. We finally arrived at some strange ruins which we boldly entered. I was expecting much more of a welcome but unfortunatly Vectros was the one doing the welcoming. We easily depeated a small group of men, taking care to leave one alive to interigate. It was so much fun! I got to play bad dragon, good dragon. Of course I was the bad dragon that was about to gnaw on his limbs until he told us anything. Looking back it probably was not the best of plans, but it was indeed fun. But then I made a right fool of myself walking straight into a gelatinous cube. Lucky for me, the primal spirits inside of me welled up inside of me and I was able to somehow escape from the cube unharmed. We finally caught up with this Gander fellow who had these neat little walking bombs. In this battle I was awsome. I took upon the form of mountain's thunder, my scales became a greyish-blue and flickered with lightning, in this form I am like a rock and thunder blasts from everyone of my attacks as if they were lightning themselves. I used the techniques that I have learned from watching Desmond fight, using lightning to throw my Fang like a bolt and using what I have learned about how to harness thunder teleporting a short distance and stiking in the center of a group of foes. After the tinkerer was defeated we hung around to examine the statue with a mysterious stone in the center, Bort grabbed my arm and somehow I was able to retrieve the stone when the others could not. He was lucky I did not lash out wildly, for I still had the rush of battle flowing through my viens.

    Now unto what transpired in the 6th month of the Green Dragon. Grochigro had not returned from his latest scouting mission, which I would have accompanied him if it weren't for my fathers objections, and it was not like him to be late for dinner. So then a search party was formed by my father and the council, but once again he protested to me going along. My friends had perfect timing. They showed up and somehow convinced my father to let me go with the search patry with them. When we found Chigro he was passed out hanging from a tree in a net, and obvious trap looking back but Kobolds just have a way of getting my heart working and my brain not. We were ambushed but easily dispatched them. After sending Chigro on his way back to town with Oona and Zania, we went striaght to the lair of our enemy. I was fully prepared to march right into their den and challenge them all to battle. I see now why my father protested so. We were about to use an ingenoious battle tactic, when we heard we were about to be surrounded. So we rushed out ofthe cave to meet them on a more open battlefield. After dealing with two raiding parties, I convinced my comrads that we could bring about a glorious death the the rest of the Kobolds, and we plunged head first into another skirmish with the kobolds. We managed to defeat thier leader with such efficiency that the Kobolds lost thier will to fight. We were examining the bounty that the Kobolds had aquaired when we noticed we were surrounded by dozens of angry lizards. We were about to engage when from the sky my father came flew down, and with the full might of The Great Storm Dragon desimated them entirely.

    Alot is going on in the villiage right now, with all the new faces and celebrations coming up it is bound to be entertaing.

    For the Glory and Honor of the Clan
    9th day of the 2nd month of the Blue Dragon

    Posts : 633
    Points : 691
    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Kran's Epic Adventures Empty Pool of Enlightenment

    Post  Jing Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:23 pm

    Today was so much fun! Today is the 19th day 2nd Month of the White Dragon. My friends all came to visit me before my Pairing ceremony, and arrived on the day that I was to go to the Cave of Enlightenment.

    Vectros was telling us all about his latest adventure back into Old Lightville and apparently he came for here for advice and help. My father sent one of our newest additions to the villiage Zom. I can't believe Vectros didn't ask me to go. Well it was better that Zom went from what I hear he is the best at making undead "redead" that we have in our village.

    After we gathered everone we followed Elder Grusho to the training caves futher down than I had ever ventured before. We came upon a strange door that in order to enter we must first offer a small blood sacrifice. First to into the room was Bort, the look on his face when Elder Grusho cut his palm was so very humerous. We all entered the room in a similar fashion, and soon discovered that all there was in this small cave was a small pool. We examined it closely to find that it seemed to not have a bottom, which seemed very impossible but Desmond remembered about a similar substance that was used to enter into peoples minds.

    As we explored the pool further we found that each of had to go into the pool to learn something about ourselves. Bort and Vectros both seemed to just go into the pool and come out very disturbed, Vectros came out yelling at me telling me I killed his brother. Then Bort kicked me into the pool, I was in what we found out later to be Desmonds mind. There were these strange creatures that were surly going to destroy me when Bort appeared out of thin air with the rope tied to his waist and held on tight to me, that is when we discovered that we could bring things out of the dream world into reality. A Grimlock grabbed me tight as my friends pulled me back out of the pool. Two more followed us and we had to fight them inside the tiny cave. One grabbed onto Desmond tight and was going to take him into the dream world, when Vectros chopped off his arms. However Desmond could not gain his ballance and fell in. We managed to pull him out before he decended to far in, but he seemed to be affected by the magicks of the pool. Then it was Amythest's turn. She was in and out in a jiffy, and returned with a strange pink sheep.

    Then it was my turn so I just dove right in. When I arrived there were Ogre's all around me, excitement grew inside me and I rushed into battle. I fought and fought for what seemed like hours, but I was unable to slay even a single one. Hope inside me started to fade. Excitement turned into dread. Thoughts raced throughout my mind as I launched myself at the ogres. Why was I here alone? My blade slicing through ones skin. Why do I always rush into things? Throwing my Great Fang like a bolt of lightning. Where would I be if not for my friends? Thundering into an ogre knocking it down along with those around it. Am I this dumb? Then all of a sudden my friends flew down with dragon wings on thier backs and together we unleashed a blast in all directions. I came to the realization that if I continue to act so rashly I might just not be able to pull myself out. I have always been surrounded by strong allies, but alone I am vunerable. If I am not more careful I am going to get either me or my friends killed. We somehow managed to leave the mysterious cave and we exited the cave.

    My friends gave me what congratulatory blessings they could and I left to write down my thoughts and my next stop will be to meditate underneth the falls for a few days. My ceremony will only be a few days after that. Well I must prepare so I need to conclude my thoughts.

    For the Glory and Honor of the Clan!
    19th day of the 2th month of the White Dragon.

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