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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter


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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:01 am

    *while inside the Wondrous Emporium, Gaius gathers a few travel items and the proceeds to preform the self-holding bag ritual and folds his bag of holding into an apparent nothingness. Now fully prepared for his journey, Gaius makes his way to the back of the store. Here in the dark recesses of the store are a series of doors that are hanging from a track that is affixed to the ceiling. Reaching for a lever on the wall and pulling it back, the doors move along the track in a fashion similar to a conveyor belt. After about 8 of the doors pass, Gaius releases the lever stopping the doors. he walks up to a door labeled "Bragmasho". He opens the door and walks through leaving his store behind. Upon his arrival at the village ruled by his friend Kran's kin, Gaius shuts the door behind him and watches it vanish into thin air.*

    Well, now I simply need to locate Kran. Hmm.... I don't believe that any of his relative know of me and for that reason they may not trust me or even respond to inquireies concerning Kran's whereabouts. I'll have no choice but to do this the hard way...

    *Gaius sits on the ground in a meditative position and begins to speak in arcane mutterings in order to preform the "seek rumor" ritual. He spends about thirty minutes in this position in order to channel the thoughts and rumors of the town folk in search of any information involving Kran's location.*

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:05 am


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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Rumor Horse or Raging Behemoth

    Post  Jing Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:52 pm

    The utterances of the wind whispered and murmured. Mostly in draconic. But luckily Kran's mate, Alta heard the arcane mutterings. Quickly testing the "air" with her arcana sense and felt a strong source of the arcanic whispers. She felt her mates name so she grabbed her Great Fang, and went to go and greet the source. She knew who it was but wanted to give him a very large earful. Hoefully she won't burn too much down.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:36 pm

    Hmmmm.... I really should have invested some time into learning how to speak Draconic, I can't tell what these people are thinking! Wait, I sense an arcane presence nearby.... Whatever it is, it is in motion... Towards me?!?!
    * Gaius springs to his feet breaking his meditation. With a sudden flick of the wrist, his traveling pack appears in front of him. Reaching into his bag, Gaius pulls out a pair of rustic bronze colored gauntlets that each have a magical orb attached at the end of the forearm. He puts them on and fastens them tightly then stands ready for whatever might appear.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty A Dragonborns Scorn

    Post  Jing Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:22 am

    Before Gauis stands a normalsized dragonborn female, still quite large in comparison to Gauis. Her eyes a dark yellow and scales a rustic redorange, but flicker in a magical way as they might change at any moment to reflect her temperment. The fringe that runs down the back of her head is a vibrant orange with the tips a bluish-purple. Most dragonborn do not reflect so many colors but like Kran her training has been reflected upon her outward appearance. Obviously angry, a normal state that Kran must deal with on a daily basis, she has come to confront Gauis about something very dear to her.

    When are you gonna start paying him real money?! Zegi deserves it! My son deserves it!

    With the last of her words came out a blast of fire trapping Gauis and Alta in a circle.

    Last edited by Jing on Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:44 am

    Yikes! I'm not very comfortable talking like this in such a compromising position... Surrounded by fire that is... So lets change this up a bit!
    *Gaius puts both hands in front of him to cast his illusory wall spell*
    There! Now we can chit-chat with out my fear of impending death! Now, I can see where you might be angry about my not providing Zegi with wages... But I'd like to point out that what he has learned is worth a vast amount more than I could ever hope to pay!

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Mother's Plea

    Post  Jing Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:29 am

    Alta's momentary outburst of rage was subsiding the flames died down and the other villagers and passerbys who were waiting to watch a duel began to go about thier own buisness

    Gauis, I know it was the deal both Zegi and Kran foolishly decided on, by the Ancients sake, most of the errands he goes out on, not only does he return with whatever you ask him too, but also with a scar or a few missing scales. I hope you have Dragonmomma's Wrath Insurance if he ever comes home missing a limb. The edge of he fanlike fringe began to glow like a hot cinder. He is getting to the age where we start considering mates, this is very important. The work has been good for him. I am proud you, should be too! We have entrusted him to your care and I hope you realize how important you are in his life and the role that you have been honored with. Few non-dragonborn have been allowed to train a youngling to the extent you have.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:25 am

    *Sigh...* Okay I understand... To help Zegi journey forward into adulthood, I will pay him at a rate of ten gold pieces for every hour of work and an increased amount for any special errands or projects. Hopefully he can use this increase in wealth to impress potential mates. Now then, while I do enjoy talking about my protégé that is not why I have come... I'm here to speak with Kran.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Obviously Obvious

    Post  Jing Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:51 am

    Alta smiles a devious smile. I knew you would see it my way, trust me you won't regret it. As for my husband, he is on the training grounds at the moment working with a few of the older apprentices. I am sure you can manage to keep from getting too banged up, you seem capable enough. She turns and walks away feeling quite accomplished. She was suppose to meet with her father, where Zegi gets his namesake, he was probably asleep in his workshop. Thank you very much Gauis, let's talk again soon.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:43 pm

    Sure thing, it was uh...nice catching up with you!
    *Gaius lowers his hands and the wall dissipates*
    I'll just head over to the training grounds then. We'll catch up later!
    *Gaius starts walking towards the training ground to meet up with Kran*
    Phew.... thank Aetherius that's over with! I think it may be best for me to keep my gauntlets equipped for the duration of my stay in the village...

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Old Friends

    Post  Jing Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:38 pm

    Kran is working with two younglings learning the basics of unarmed combat when he notices Gauis walking up. Well it looks as though we have a visitor, next one to go down has to tell thier mother they lost! Then head on home, good work today! Kran then greets Giaus the way he normally does, a strong slap on the back. Gauis the Great, Good day!

    Jing carried out 1 launched of one d20 :
    +6 vs Gauis acrobatics or athletic... for balance I guess.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:08 am

    Mr.Hero carried out 1 launched of one d20 :

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:28 am

    *Gaius stagers and nearly looses his balance. After letting out a grunt he restores himself to his normal posture and regains his composure.*
    Well, it's good to see you again as well old friend. It seems that you've been doing well. Zegi has become a trustworthy and loyal apprentice and has fashioned himself to be quite the tinkerer! I'm beginning to teach him the ways of the artificer. We've come across many a strange and unique items in recent months... And this is actually what brings me to you today...

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Is it a quest? Where?

    Post  Jing Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:40 am

    I fully expected you to topple over like always, something must have you focused. I shouldn't expect less from the great Giaus the Great. I can tell you are speaking very, oh whats the word, blast it! Kran spits sparks as he grinds his teeth(and brain). Tell me what is it you have found?

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:55 pm

    Gaius reaches into his pack and pulls out an old leather-bound book and starts flipping through the pagesWell, Zegi and I have been doing some research on wondrous items...and all of the sudden we stumbled upon this story of an ancient clan of Dragonborns from a land called Arkhosia. They crafted a series of items that when wielded by a Dragonborn would exponentially increase their powers. The legend is somewhat vague on what that means, but they do go into great detail about what these items looked like. I thought it sounded interesting but didn't really give it much thought after reading about it. After passing the book to Zegi however, he noticed something extraordinary! He read through the story with unyielding attentiveness. After he finished reading this story, he exclaimed that the description of one of these mythical items happened to perfectly describe his father's weapon! Upon closer inspection of the text, it appears that it is true, you have in your possession one of these legendary items! Now I've started scouring through piles of documents and books concerning the whereabouts of these items and I have discovered that about 100 years ago a group tribe of kobolds found what was described as a "silver scepter" by the scholar who wrote about it which had at one end a figure of a dragon's head. The tribe of kobolds used this scepter as an idol of worship. Until one day when a group of human raiders stormed their village and took all of the loot they could grab... including this silver scepter. Soon after, the group of raiders made their way back home by boat. Now according to this scholar, the ship was attacked just before it could make it to their homeland and sank of the coast of a nearby island. I've found no other mention of the item's whereabouts since this incident occurred. I think that I've just about pinpointed the location to a town to the North West of Moetown along the coast. The town in question has since been abandoned though I am unsure of the reasons.
    Gaius pauses briefly to let the information sink in
    I think there is a good chance that this silver scepter can be found. And there's no way I'd go looking for this treasure without you being part of my adventure! So, what do you say? Are you prepared to go on another journey for riches and glory?

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Hazah!

    Post  Jing Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:23 am

    Ready? I have longed for such a quest to arise. Let me go and grab my traveling gear. Before Gauis could answer he had already began running back to his family compund, brimming with excitement. Will it just be you and I or shall I ask a few members of my Clan to come along with us? Oh, and do you require a mount? Kran yelled from a decent distance away.

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Re: The Legend of the Silver Scepter

    Post  Mr.Hero Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:56 am

    Oh uh, sure!

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    The Legend of the Silver Scepter Empty Sweet!

    Post  Jing Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:07 am


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