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    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life


    Posts : 633
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    Age : 38
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    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life

    Post  Jing Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:46 am

    Today is the 11th day of the 6th month of the White Dragon, but there is hope for new life. Kasha's birth was today, and thanks be to the spirits, it was an easy birth. They whole town gathered in the central gathering hall and the celebration was grand. I am not fond of the rituals and ceremonies, but this time it was different. With the hope of new life, This birth reminds me how important the hatchlings are. Today, we had a competition for the apprentices where all seven participated in the traditional Egg Games. My favorite is "Catch". Jian was particularly impressive, but he still has alot to learn. My twins favor the "Sparring" and I am proud that my sons were both in the final match. But when it comes to a battle of wits, the victor was my star pupil, the youngest daughter of the Jinuzega Family. I can already feel the magic rising inside of Lira, and soon I may ask my Alta to train her to control her powers. With Kasha returning to the job of Primary Sensei soon, I will both miss and welcome the change. But it will also allow me to get back to studing and learning of the strong magics of this reigon.

    So it has been written by Jingazegi Wuzego of the Bragmasho Clan, on the 11th day, 6th month of the White Dragon.

    Last edited by Jing on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty Family Ties

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:28 am

    Today is the 11 day of the 2nd Month in the Green Dragon. I cannot believe that our villiage has grown so much already. We planted what crops that we have need for, but we are still in great need of some livestock. We sent out a couple of our family member to both Bort's villiage and Vectro's Lightville. The Matriarch from the Grusho along with my second daughter Oona made thier way to Lightville, and The Patriarch of the Katukazra along with the Eldest son of the Grusho went to Bort's town. Hopefully they will return here soon with livestock. The Grusho Family has been given the honor of building a stable and shelter for our livestock due to thier close proximity to the field. It is amazing how much they were able to do in the first month of this season.

    Also today my eldest Alta was finally offically announced as the future mate of Kran. I still remember when they were both still hatchlings, and I am glad that they have had a special bond ever since they were young. The apprentices are all doing wonderful, and my two sons have began thier acrobatics training. I almost wish that Bort would come back so that he could teach them both how to shoot a crossbow, but I am still uncertain if they would be influenced by his disrespectful nature.

    Near the begining of the season we started to see signs of life coming from the nearby caves, and have increased our guards during the night to two just in case. My Alta is calling so I guess I will have to finish on a later date.

    So it has been written by Jingazegi Wuzego of the Bragmasho Clan, on the 11th day, 2th month of the Green Dragon.

    Last edited by Jing on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:09 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty Gowth and Prosperity

    Post  Jing Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:12 am

    Today is the 13th day, 4th month of the Green Dragon. Everything seems to be going well for the villiage, but it seems as like we have become set into the daily ritualistic life now. We need to have another celebration soon. We could soon, with the pairing of Kran and Alta coming up soon, and both the Matriarch of the Grusho and the Eldest son's Mate expecting, we are bound to have something soon.

    The Kobolds have started to become more agressive, but when we spot them we send out search parties to hunt them down. Chigro believes that we are getting closer to discovering thier den very soon. We must protect what livestock we have been given by the other villiages. Both Lightville and Bort's villa were very generous to give us what they did. Particuarly Lightville, Giving us four head of cattle and three sheep. A few of the apprentices came home with some wild chickens they caught in the forest on thier way back from training. How they managed not to eat them right away, I still do not know.

    Lira it seems has just come to ask me about finding a way to use her Little Fang as an implement for her spells. So I must get going. I really should write my thoughts down more often, soon they will be calling me Elder Wuzego if I start losing my wit.

    So it is written by Jingazegi Wuzego of the Bragmasho Clan on the 13th day, of the 4th month of the Green Dragon.

    Last edited by Jing on Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty Busy, Busy, Busy

    Post  Jing Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:22 am

    Today is the 12 day of the 5th month in the Red Dragon. I have neglected my journal for far too long for much has happened since my last entry more than a season ago. I shall start with the events that unfolded in the sixth month, Season of the Green Dragon.

    Grochigro finally discovered the location of the Kobold Lair, but on his way back to report he was snarred by one of the Kobolds traps. He apparently hung from a tree for two nights and one day before he was finally cut down by one of our towns Hero's, Bort. Bort and Vectros had just arrived at our village to visit when thier services were immediately put to use as part of the search party for our missing hunter. Somehow they managed to talk Zorai into allowing Kran to go with them, so Kran, Bort, Desmond, Vectros, Ami, Oona, and Zania went in seach of Chigro with only the spirits to guide them. Somehow they found him, but apparently the Kobolds were lying in wait for his rescuers. A trap it was, but an ill concieved one for from what I hear from my daughter Oona it was a quick and decisive victory. Chigro told them of the location of the cave, and from what I have been told Kran let his anger guide then right into the midst of the kobold lair. Reminder to my self ask Zerami to sing the song she has created for the battle our heroes faught in slaying scores of Kobolds to protect our villiage. Once again I offered my assistance in enchanting for they found many enchanting stones.

    During the first month of the Red Dragon we recived notice that more of our clansmen would be arriving within the season! Four more families! we began to prepare the land and gather lumber to build family compounds for them. The entire village has been extremely excited about our new additions. In the spirit of expansion and construction we bagan to explore the caves a bit and there seems to be great magicks at work deep in the cave. I have not been one for spelunking but the caves are strong and decently well lit now, so I have been spending alot of time in them trying to find the source of the magic. We also have build a sort of a market place and a place where visitors would be welcome to stay. Zerami has offered to run the place with her daughters. They were so excited that they went to Moe's Tavern to ask Moe for advise on running a Inn. His response was "Spirits, Lots of Spirits!" I hear that the newcomers will be bringing along pleanty of supplies, and luxuries from the Dragon Iles, which I am extremely excited about. I do not wish our young to grow up without knowlege of where they come from.

    Zorai has not been pleasent the past couple of months. The dragon that led the Kobolds is still out there, and where dragons are kobolds tend to gather. He was glad to hear about the manpower coming, but that just gives him more to worry about. Kran has seemed to grow quite a bit since he met his adventuring companions, and I am quite proud to know that my grandlings will be cut from a weaving of my Alta and Kran. Zorai believes what Desmond says to be true, and want to be prepared if the time comes to go to battle.

    Grochigro has taken both my sons under as his protiges, and we just found out that Zanai is expecting once again. The family heads have begun their negotiations for future mating pairs. My Oona is one to be considered. If she is paired off then soon all that will be left in my compound are my two boys, that is not something that I am looking forward to.

    Well once again someone needs my assistance so I must end my entry, so it is written by Jingazegi Wuzego of the Bragmasho Clan on the 12th day, of the 5th month of the Red Dragon.

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty New Editions

    Post  Jing Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:38 pm

    Today is the 14th day, 1st Month of the Blue Dragon. There isn't really anything to talk about in the entry other than the new editions to our villiage. We welcomed more than we expected last month. The clansmen that we were expecting arrived on the 1st day of the last month of the Red Dragon, but there were two more families that we did not expect, and a group of Shifters that were in need of a place to call home. I will hopefully remember to speak more in detail of the families later on, but first I don't want to forget to mention the egg births. Zanai had her egg on the 24th day, 6th month of the Red Dragon; The Grusho Matriarch, Vixi, gave birth on the 3rd day, Last month of the Red Dragon; Nila's, Grusho's eldest son's mate, birth happened on the 5th day, Last month of the Red Dragon. With the new families arriving we put off the Egg games until we got settled, and what an Egg Games they were. Oona has been chosen to wed the eldest son of the Katukazra. Mika however was considered, but they decided that she was still too young.

    Our council has increased by 6 Dragonborn and 2 Shifters. We actually have two females on the council now, and I am glad to see that the Shifters were willing to help with leadership. They said that they are nomads by nature, but circustance has lead them to need to, "set thier feet firmly to the earth" as their Pride leader put it. He is a wise and viscious being, and glad to know him as an ally. They actually pledged thier loyalty to the clan, although it was not the first time it has been done, I felt honored to know that they would do thier best to uphold our traditions. We finally have our very own smith in town due to the family that hailed from the Xarzith Ixen Mountain region, we were in desparate need of one. I now have my own assistant in the workshop because of the second son in that family. The Grusho's flocks and herds have been bolstered with the live stock that was brought, and we now have access to some of our crops from back in the isles. One family was very happy to see that thier fishing skills would be a welcomed sight, and our hunting parties have become much more effiecient due to the Shifters stealth. Zorai's mood has seemed to have calmed down, since the last time he went to the Kobold's Lair. Apparently either the dragon burned everything in rage or someone else finished the job, either way it is going to take the Kobold's and the dragon a long time to recover. Zorai suspects that it was Bort, but the Spirits did not give him a clear enough picture of what happened. They managed to bring with them a Helmdrake mount from Great Clansleader as a gift for Takazorai, and was quite a sight to see one of those viscious creatures once again. This one is named Reckless and is still young, but aparently his parents are very strong.

    It seems as though we have yet another visitor in town, and I do believe it is Vectros. Whenever Kran's friends show up things start to get interesting, so I do believe I will go see whats going on. So it is written by Jingazegi Wuzego of the Bragmasho Clan on the 14th day, of the 1st month of the Blue Dragon.

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Zegi's Journal: A record of villiage life Empty Rituals

    Post  Jing Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:21 am

    Today is the 23rd day, 2nd Month of the White Dragon. Cold has finally set in. We had a light frosting of snow that actually decided to stay on the ground last night. We decided to do Kran and Alta's Pairing on the Bridge. The snow helped to set such a marvelous scene. I do believe that Kran was happy to have the cold about him for he seem very calm and collected. As I gave my blessing my heart welled with such great joy to know that she was to be mated with such a stonghearted dragonborn. Unfortuanatly my traditional threat was not as threatening becasue the Darkmane pride took it as a joke. Oh well, I know that Kran will not do anything to break my Alta's trust, or else I will have to create a magical device that will send him to the Deep. Zorai's blessing for Alta was so moving it brought tears to my eyes. I just wish that my Ghrea was still here to have helped Kasha with Egg blessings. Kran was so excited when it was revealed that he was to recieve Reckless as a wedding present that he and Alta hopped on it and were off on thier Pairing Journey as soon as they could collect the nessesary equiptment after the feast. The two of them have only been gone for a few hours now but at the speed at which that Helmdrake took off who knows where they could be by now.

    Oh well there is work to be done and apperntly something strage has been found in the caves. They said something about a hidden passegeway and a room full of strange markings. I am so excited!

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