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    The Subtle Knife


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    The Subtle Knife Empty The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Tue May 15, 2012 5:39 pm

    On a narrow street in the market district of Moetown sits a small two-story building. The outside is dark and the windows have all been covered. On the top of the building is a carved emblem of a knife. The locals say the shop owner is rarely seen during the day. One older man says he knows the man who is called Erik.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:15 pm

    *A hooded figure makes his way through town and begins to walk towards the strange building. As he approaches, he starts examining the place and walks up to the door*

    [tries to open the front door]

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Welcome to the Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:29 am

    The heavy door swings open. Inside is a somewhat unusual shop. A number of knives and swords are displayed on shelves and tables, but most seem aged, dirty, and not particularly valuable. A handful of other good can be seen on the shelves as well, but most seem to be secondhand goods and trinkets of little value. A couple of large chests adorn the area, but they are probably filled with the same items as the rest of the shop. A staircase with a small cupboard attached leads up to a second level. A door to a back area is also visible behind the counter. Here, a darkly dressed red-headed man sits talking with a young Drow female in equally dark clothing. The only other feature this room has to offer is a book shelf on the wall. The pair take interest in the newcomer, though not obviously. They stay to their quiet conversation while keeping a subtle eye on the man in black.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:08 am

    *The hooded man walks up to the counter and pulls back his hood to reveal the face of a dark haired human. He leans against the counter and picks up a dagger as if to give it a more careful examination while he really inspects the others in the room.*
    These are quite old. Is this all you sell here in this store...

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:38 pm

    The red-headed man stands up. We are just a simple shop. What are you looking for?

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:48 pm

    I've heard rumors of a place where a man of my talents could prove himself to be a valuable addition to their outfit...

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:19 pm

    Outfit? I guess I could use a new pair of pants.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:04 pm

    I'm not quite sure if that was an insult a threat or just a complete misunderstanding of what I'm trying to say... But I can assure you that if it happens to be one of the first two possibilities, I'm not someone you want to mess with....
    *he takes a defensive stance ready to react to whatever might happen next*
    Oh, and if the latter is the case then I will make sure to speak slower so that you can understand me...

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:55 am

    "Looks like we have a feisty one." Erik says standing up quickly. The stranger gets only a last short glimpse of the pair before the entire room is filled with darkness. But as quickly as the darkness filled the room, it dissipates, revealing Erik immediately beside the dark haired man. "It is you who is mistaken friend. If you are indeed a man of many talents then you shall have no problem bringing me a certain item. East of here, across the river there is a town known as Bartopia. To the north-east of the town, a short distance into the forest you will find a small building made of dark stone. In the cellar of this building is a large dresser. In the bottom drawer you will find the item I seek. Bring me this item and I would be very grateful.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:54 am

    Well, this is an interesting proposition... I just have two questions... What is the reward for bringing you this item and do I have to perform this task without bloodshed?

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:17 pm

    Your reward will be an opportunity. Perhaps this is more than just a simple shop and perhaps we have room for a skilled individual. As far as how you complete the task, we care not. But be weary of making enemies or grabbing the attention of too many people. As far as we are concerned you are just a curious traveler looking to buy a knife.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:01 am

    Sounds good. Then I am on my way.
    *Sid moves towards the door to start his quest*

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:24 pm

    Sid opens the door and starts walking towards the road heading East

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:55 am


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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:23 am

    The afternoon hours are beginning to wain into evening. Standing outside the subtle knife in Moetown, the entire worlds is at your disposal.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:30 pm

    Sid starts his journey by making his way to the East road leading out of Moetown. As he begins walking, he checks his pack to be sure that he has everything he will need. As he steps onto the road he gets out his everburning torch and starts walking to Bartopia.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:17 pm

    Bartopia lies slightly less than a day's journey to the east on the far side of the river. The road from Moetown is well maintained and well traveled. Following the road will take you to a bridge across the river placing you in the domain of Bartopia. The town itself is a couple of miles south of the bridge.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:00 pm

    Continuing East, the sunlight has long since given way to a pale moonlight. You are nearing the bridge to cross into Bartopia and even though the hour is late, guards still stand watching the entrance into their domain.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:11 am

    Sid takes a moment to find something to hide behind

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:28 pm

    Sid easily blends into the shadows. From the light of a torch you can see two guards not standing very far away with the bridge just behind them. These two guards on the west side of the bridge seem slightly oblivious to the world. They obviously don't expect problems at this hour. They are dressed with cloaks and are unable to decipher anything underneath these outer garments. You can see a campfire across the river but are unable to gather much information about the figures around it. You guess two or three, but cannot be sure. The bridge appears to be built on the sight of a ford. It seems the Bartopians wanted to make sure the only nearby river crossing was protected so they built the bridge at the ford. The river is too wide to jump across.

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    NOTE- Map is for reference purposes only. Distances are not necessarily to scale. Objects may not be in there exact location and other objects may exist as well.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:53 pm

    After evaluating the situation, Sid decides to walk up to the guards and use manners instead of crossbow bolts to get across the bridge.... he might need those later.
    Hail and well met good sirs! I wonder might I pass over this bridge?

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:36 pm

    Somewhat surprised by this man coming from nowhere the guard holding the torch stutters slightly before speaking, What business do you have in the territory of Bartopia at this time of night?

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:26 am

    Well to say truth I was kicked out of my home tonight by my wife and I was publicly shamed by the community. I can't go back to Moetown! So, I'm heading on to Bartopia to try and start a new life. I remember a fellow talking about the place in Moe's Tavern one day and thought it may be a good place to try and settle down.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Bort Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:32 pm

    Women can be so cruel. the guard speaks softly. A slight look of desperation in his eyes alert all in the area that he is truly a sad individual and if given the chance would spend hours with a stranger spilling the story of his life which is no doubt filled with much sorrow. You are welcome to enter. Simply follow the path south and you will soon come upon a small inn right off the path. Their price is quite reasonable. You can rest there and then continue into Bartopia in the daylight.

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    The Subtle Knife Empty Re: The Subtle Knife

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:48 am

    Thank you so much kind sir. About how far am I from Moetown now?

    He asks knowing that this type of operation is best performed under the cover of night and as such, he should pay careful attention to his timing.

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