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    Reaver's Task


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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:53 pm

    With the final guard dead, Reaver walks to the guard tower and enters. Once he enters into the keep, he heads for the desk against the wall on the far end of the first floor. He opens it and grabs a small brass key. Reaver also finds a storage room. After further inspection of the storage room he takes a few things....

    - potion of healing x10
    - gold x20

    He then makes his way to the basement. In the basement there is a large weapon locker with a pad lock on it. Reaver uses the brass key to unlock the weapon locker. Inside there is a large scythe....

    Ahh, here it is. Now to wake him up....

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:15 pm

    After consuming a few of the discovered health potions Reaver, feeling revitalized, exits the guard tower and heads East. After walking about a mile, Reaver walks up to a cemetery. He opens the front gate to the cemetery and makes his way a crypt in plot on the far end of the cemetery. After blasting open a door, Reaver makes his way down into the crypt. As he walks down the ancient stone steps, his cold eyes scan the area for his target. At the final step of the stair well, Reaver finds what he's looking for. At the end of a hall way there is a large stone casket. He makes his way to it and begins to perform a raising ritual. He draws a rune on the floor and lights a few candles. Setting down the scythe that he recovered from the guards, he begins to utter words to the ritual. Soon after he finishes, the ground shakes and as a side affect to raising his target, he also causes skeletons to rise from their graves as well. About six of them come towards him. He easily blasts away at them one after another. After destroying the weak undead creatures, he waits for the Raven Queen's next pawn to rise from his grave

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Draggin' Dredge out of Bed

    Post  Jing Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:16 am

    With a big yawn and a good stretch Dredge slowly awakes from his slumber. I didn't want to woken up this early. Grabbing his scythe from the ritual circle he slowly states, But its whatever I guess. Hey brother, names Dredge, you can call me Reggie. Tell me what I need to do so I can go back to sleep. He sits down lazily while he await further orders.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:27 am

    looking over the lazy Revenant that was brought back to the world of the living and observing the apathetic response that he gives to being revived by the Raven Queen, Reaver crosses his arms in disapproval...

    Well, Dredge.... You've been raised to serve the Raven Queen in her quest for revenge against the paladins who destroyed her temple and replaced it with their own. As for your early awakening, you were never promised anything let alone to be raised by the Raven Queen.... I'd show a little more respect if I were you. We will be going to another outpost and take out more guards on the outer rim of the city. We need to get stronger before we can complete the Raven Queens quest....

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Lazy, Bored, and Apathetic... Oh my!

    Post  Jing Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:09 am

    Whatever, bro. Just tell me who I need to kill. He props himself up using his scythe. In a very skilled manner Dredge whirls his scythe around feeling the weight of his familiar weapon. We better get going before I get bored, I might just fall asleep waiting.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Nod your head!

    Post  Jing Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:10 am

    Dredge tries to fall asleep but realizes that he can only enter a meditative like state... Well this sucks. I really enjoy sleeping...

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:57 pm

    Enough with this talk of sleeping! We must remove the paladins from this land. But we must grow in strength.... there is a cave that is near by that is full of dark power. the paladins have cleared it of the evil beasts that once guarded it. The paladins remain there still but from what I can tell, they are only underlings of the paladins and should not pose much of a threat to us. We shall venture into this cave and see what we can find.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Jing Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:12 pm

    Dredge stands and loosely salutes Reaver. Yes sir, lead the way.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:04 am

    The two Revenants move onward towards their goal and eventually come up to the cave of which they've set out to find. The cave is surrounded by the forest and the entrance is guarded by two paladins of Pelor. The Revenants remain hidden in the brush looking on and planing their next move....

    Reaver takes out his Vicious Rod and whispers to Dredge...

    [color=violet]Okay, this is the cave. We must eliminate the fools who have tried to keep the dark power within sealed up. Here on the outside of this cave there are but two guards but I believe that more are inside. Let's look at this situation as an oprotunity to get you warmed up. I'll take the one on the right and you take the one on the left....[/violet]

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Jing Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:55 am

    Warmed up? I don't know if that will ever happen. Dredge shivers as he readies his cold scythe. Those two fellas don't look like much on surprises... So the one on my left or the cave entrance left?

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:27 pm

    Your left.... take care of the one on your left...
    Reaver leaps out of the brush and takes a brief moment to focus his energy on the guard on the right and places a warlocks curse on him. Then moves 20 ft towards the guards and becomes engulfed in black smoke
    You're finished!
    He flings a ball of fire at the guard

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Reaver's WC Dmg

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:29 pm


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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty No offense, sir.

    Post  Jing Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:27 pm

    Awww come on now thats not even fair. Dredge states as he exits the bush and closes the gap between he and his target. Do you know what I do? I kill stuff. With a flick of his wrist the guard is covered with a silent blanket of darkness only he can see. Like this guy here, who will die. He makes eye contact with his victim, No offense, sir. Nods his head and swings his scythe at the surprised looking gurad.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:25 pm

    The cold scythe rips through the guard's abdomen and causes him to stagger in pain as he brings his left hand up to check how deep his wound is... it's still cold to the touch as his soul is filled with terror.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Revenants 2 : Guards 0

    Post  Jing Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:00 am

    Don't look so surprised. I did say I was goin' to kill you... Dredge scowls at Reaver, Next time, my commander... I might just stay in the bushes and take a nap. We are lucky these guys are weak and scared little girls. No offense. Directing his gaze at the terrified bleeding guard.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:48 pm

    Well, that was simple. Now to see what it is the Raven Queen has locked away for us.....

    Reaver makes his way to the entrance of the cave

    Come on Dredge, we've wasted enough time up here. When I received my vision from the Raven Queen, I felt a great pull to this place. Whatever is in this cave, it must be important...

    As soon as he is finished speaking, Reaver descends into the darkness of the cave...

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Jing Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:45 pm

    Sure man whatever... Dredge follows behind carrying his scythe casually on his shoulder.

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:38 pm

    As the two Revenants enter the cave, the first thing they see are torches which light the path of a primitive stair case which spirals down into a series of caverns below. After reaching the bottom of the stairs, they find a path which goes further into the cave which is also illuminated by torches. The walls of this path are decorated with types of paintings depicting the Raven Queen and her followers. There are a series of these which detail the Raven Queen commanding her servants to slay her enemies.

    Interesting art.... Tell me, Dredge, do you remember anything of your past life???

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Cold and tired, Exciting and New

    Post  Jing Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:39 pm

    He scraches his head, then under his arm, rubs his chin...Nah I just remember being cold, I am still cold. And tired, I am still tired. Don't know if I am suppose to remember anything, never done this before. Why, you remembering stuff?

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:00 pm

    No not particularly. I vaguely remember my death... I was killed by a group of people... I'm not sure about who they were... I remember that I served the Raven Queen.... That's about it...

    They continue down the path until they reach a tall black double door. The door itself is ornate and has a depiction of the Raven Queen standing above another person who looks to be slain by her hand

    I saw this door in my vision... this is where we gain our surge in power!
    Reaver slowly opens the door

    The door opens into a massive circular chamber. In the middle is a pedestal with a book placed on it. There are runes written on the walls and two large statues which are holding chains that suspend oil lamps. As soon as the two revenants step into the chamber the lamps along with torches which are against the chamber walls instantly light up. There is a large chest placed between the two statues. Around the perimeter of the chamber are columns that reach to the ceiling

    This place looks familiar....

    Reaver begins to pace around the room- seemingly in a trance


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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Umm..oh, nevermind

    Post  Jing Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:23 pm

    Drege scratches his head for a moment...This is kinda cool...Hey...umm what did you mean surge in power? Dredge noticing that Reaver was in his own little world, loses interest in everything really. I mean its cool and all that we have this...uh...opportunity, but... oh, forget it. He wanders almost aimlessly about the room, with his aim set on finding a place to sit down. Decideing upon the chest, he sits down next to the chest with his back propped against it. Alrighty, this will have to do until you figure out why we are here...

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:08 pm

    In a vision I received just before being revived....I saw this place....only, it was full of people. It was a group of the Raven Queen's consorts and priests.... They were all gathered around this pedestal... The priest gathered some items for a type of commissioning... They were in that chest!
    He rushes to the chest where Dredge is sitting and pushes him aside taking out an orb and dagger.
    Yes this is it! the priest read from the book and the one being commissioned cut the palm of his hand and placed it on this orb... he swore to kill the knights of Pelor and after, he seemed to get stronger...
    He scans around the room again
    It looks like this place has been deserted. And those paladins are all over the place. This must be why we were revived. To get rid of the knights of Pelor and restore this place to it former glory!

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Make yourself at Home

    Post  Jing Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:17 pm

    Haha, Yikes! Dredge chuckles at Reaver as he tries to make himself comfortable where he was moved. Man, you sure are eager to do Her bidding...but if thats why I was woken up... He picks himself up out of the floor slowly with little grace. He gives a good strech and yawn. I guess thats what I need to do to get a decent rest. Dredge scratches his head. So, umm...any ideas where to start?

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Mr.Hero Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:55 pm

    He walks up to Dredge and grabs his hand and then slices his palm with the dagger
    Now put your hand on the orb and lets see if this works
    He hands Dredge the orb and then goes to get the book

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    Reaver's Task - Page 2 Empty Re: Reaver's Task

    Post  Jing Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:08 pm

    Ouch... a simple please would have worked...He places his hand on the orb and awaits further direction.

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