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    Debriefing Room 1


    Posts : 582
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    Age : 36

    Debriefing Room 1  Empty Debriefing Room 1

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:26 pm

    Roland enters the room and takes a seat at the table. While he waits for Rufus, he takes out a few papers and a pen and inkwell to prepare for the debrief

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
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    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Debriefing Room 1  Empty Re: Debriefing Room 1

    Post  Jing Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:08 pm

    Rufus walks in and sit down across from Roland. Hello sir, lets see where should I start?

    On the bounty board I saw a quest that said something about constructs in the description. So I went with that one. My contact was an artificer who worked in the local magic shop named Zegi. When I arrived at Gaius’ Magic Emporium I was greeted by a large well constructed warforged named Tank. He first asked me if I wanted to buy anything, I looked around but unfortunately a lot of the items were above my pay grade. Unfortunately Zegi was not there because his latest project had really consumed a lot of his time and effort, and that he would not be there for the next couple of days. I was told I needed to travel to the Dragonborn village if I was going to meet with him. So I went back to the Moe’s and gathered my things. I left early the next morning and continued down the road until around noon and I stopped for some grub.
    “You know it’s dangerous to travel these roads alone right?” I didn’t hear the three men walk up unfortunately.
    “Yeah, I have heard that before. You know it’s dangerous to attack people before you know what they are capable of, right?” That was the wittiest thing I could come up with, lame I know. Didn’t really want to wolf out on these guys, I mean I didn’t even know what I was up against either. Two of the guys had short swords at their waist and the one in the middle had a large club slung over one shoulder.
    “If you give me some gold I can guarantee that you will be safe and sound, but if you don’t well… I can’t really vouch for my friends here. So, what’s it gonna be?” I wasn’t really in the mood for a fight but those skumbags had it coming. One of the two in the back was easily dispatched with a bullet from my pistol. Then I quickly made some space between my attackers. I took the opportunity to fire a second bullet at the other sword toting bandit, and he too fell limp to the ground. The last one however rushed me while I tried to reload my gun and knocked me to the ground. With no other weapons at my disposal I chose to wolf out. The rest of the fight is kind of a blur, but needless to say he won’t be a problem for the next traveler.
    I reverted back to human form and gathered my things. That’s when I realized that I was actually injured. I dressed what wounds I could and continued on my way. I arrived at the Dragonborn village at around nightfall, and made my way into the meeting hall. I had expected to see Dragonborn, but there was a relatively diverse population gathered there. A female dragonborn, who was in charge of the tavern part of the hall, greeted me and sent me to see the village healer. She was an old shifter; she introduced herself as Finia Darkmane. They gave me a room for the night and some glorious food.
    The next morning, I made my way to the great hall to introduce myself and thank the village elders. A wise old dragonborn, a pale blue scaled shaman, and a battle hardened shifter were sitting around a table at the far end of the hall. I went up and introduced myself and stated my business in town. The blue scaled shaman, Takazorai, informed me that Zegi was both his and the other wise old dragonborn’s grandson, and that he was currently working out of Wuzego’s old workshop. Wuzego offered to show me the way, but then an urgent matter was brought before the elders.
    I didn’t have a problem finding the workshop, mostly because of the steam coming from the vents and the loud banging. Zegi was busy working on what appeared to be a longer range version of a pistol. “Ehem…. Excuse me?!”
    “Oh yeah, sorry didn’t see you there. Are you Rufus?” He continued to work as he periodically looked up for visual cues.
    “Umm, yeah. I am with the adventurer’s guild. I was told you were need of some help, but there weren’t very many details. The weapon you are working on there… what is it exactly.” I pulled out my pistol to show him. “You see I have something of a similar make, but it is of relatively short range.”
    “Oh this, it is a rifle.” He displayed how to hold it, load it, and fire it. “It runs off of the same energy that the pistol does. I should be able to get some in the weapons shops in town very soon, well that is if my help hadn’t had run off. That’s why I sent for some help, well that and one of my experiments went crazy and I need you to go recover its data core. Normally I would have sent one of our warforged to go do it for me, but just a few days ago they all started spouting nonsense about their primary objective. They all just left right in the middle of whatever they were doing, they seemed so content, I hope I wasn’t treating them unfairly.”
    He continued on for quite a while, I really had so many questions for a fellow Artificer. He finally explained that he was experimenting with making his first construct from scratch and was trying to create a warforged that would be able to produce dragon breath just like dragons and dragonborn do. He seemed to have a good concept, but somewhere he got some wires crossed and it decided that it was superior and tried to attack him. Not wanting to harm his creation he merely wounded it, and it escaped into the nearby training grounds. Apparently he did not want word to get out about his failure so he called for outside help. He pointed me in the direction of the training grounds and gave me a device that I would be able to locate it with once I began to get closer to it. He warned me that the creature’s metallic scales would be able to adapt to whatever element I through at it and that its breath attack was versatile as well.
    I left very apprehensive but seeing how successful Zegi is and the work that he is doing really pressed upon me the importance of what I was doing. I stopped through at the shops there in town and grabbed myself some provisions and left. The training grounds were very quiet; it seems that they were not in use this season due to the recent need of personnel from the Kobold uprisings in this area. It wasn’t long until the device started to glow; unfortunately I wasn’t quite sure about the range on the device. I lost the signal many times throughout the day. I even asked some of the local wolf population if they had seen the creature, but none had seen anything that even resembled for what I was looking.
    So I made camp for the night, the forest was very peaceful and quite beautiful. If you ever go out that way I would recommend visiting the area, but watch out for kobolds apparently they have become a lot more aggressive recently. I woke up with the strange feeling that I was being watched, and rightly so. The tracking device was glowing almost hot to the touch, I quickly scanned the surrounding brush for the creature but I didn’t see it until it was already upon me. It attempted to grab me, but I managed to evade it and retrieved my pistol. I shot at it a few times but missed, and luckily I was able to dodge what attacks it made at me. Then it opened up its mouth and fire erupted out of its mouth. I barely managed to dodge it, but luckily I was able to take cover behind a nearby tree. I etched an arcane sigil of ice on the tree, bound it with my weapon, and launched a furious attack. I could tell it wounded it greatly but it continued its assault on me. It scratched me on my chest and I fired again, but this time it seemed to absorb the damage. The armor somehow was able to resist because of the elemental variability, so I activated the sigil which slowed my opponent. Needing to reload, I opted to go to wolf form to finish the fight. I clawed and slashed at what exposed parts I could see, we were two beasts locked in a vicious combat. My speed and agility prevailed against his tenacity and resolve. I rested on top of my spoils, proud of my victory. After an hour of gloating and licking my wounds, I returned back to humanity.
    The craftsmanship of the warforged dragon-bot was marvelous even in its broken form, I learned much from dissecting it and removing its core. I wasn’t sure what Zegi had plans for the broken being, so I removed a few pieces of armor plating and studied its breath weapons firing mechanism. I decided that even that this component would be valuable to Zegi as well, I removed it carefully and stowed it in my pack as well. I made my way back to Zegi’s workshop and found him looking very puzzled a pile of gold. “Oh my, you look worse for wear. Here drink this…” He handed me a potion of some type. I dug through my pack and pulled out all the pieces of the dragon-bot that I was able to salvage. “Amazing! You managed to bring it back and relatively unscathed; I am so glad that they sent me an artificer. Not only that but you also brought other valuable components as well.” He rewarded me with the broken firing mechanism and the VPA(variable plate armor) scraps. We talked for most of the rest of the day about various ideas for creations, but I told him I needed to be going on my way back after I rested up a bit.
    He said that he would tell Tank that I could come and get one magical item from the magic shop, up to a certain value of course. He then showed me something very interesting about his shop, a portal connected it back to Gaius’ Magic Shop. Zegi gave me permission to go through the portal back to Moetown if I wished, but if I ever wanted to use the portals again I would need permission from Gaius himself. Stepping through the portal put me face to face with Tank. I don’t know if I have ever seen such a puzzled looking warforged. I promptly left and went to Moe’s to get a room for the night and some food, and that is really all there is to it.

    Posts : 582
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    Join date : 2011-10-26
    Age : 36

    Debriefing Room 1  Empty Re: Debriefing Room 1

    Post  Mr.Hero Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:29 pm

    while jotting down a few notes, Roland looks up at Rufus
    Well now, that is quite an adventure you went on! I must say, I'm very interested in this matter of warforged and firearms! You've done well for yourself and I am authorizing a raise in rank for you and take this as well.
    Roland tosses a coin purse to Rufus and it lands on the table. The purse contains 21pp, 50gp, and 99sp
    Good work. Sign this form and you are free to go.

    Posts : 633
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    Join date : 2011-10-27
    Age : 38
    Location : Somewhere out there.

    Debriefing Room 1  Empty Re: Debriefing Room 1

    Post  Jing Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:45 pm

    Wow! Thank you very much sir, whatever my experiment produce I will be sure to bring to show you. My goal is to become a great weapon-smith, this will help go towards my workshop. I need a little rest but as soon as I can I want to get back out there. He signs the paper and gathers his money.

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