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    Vectros and Zom speak


    Posts : 8
    Points : 39
    Join date : 2011-11-04
    Age : 36

    Vectros and Zom speak Empty Vectros and Zom speak

    Post  Vectros Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:01 pm

    Vectros the Paladin trotted into Kran's village on his new horse. Winter's cold had passed and spring was in full bloom. All had been quiet for the past few weeks on Vectros' end of things and he was more than happy about it. He needed some peace and quiet. He was visiting the village simply to relay inforamtion to Takazorai about the emergence of Clorek as a servant of Darkness. Vectros knew that it was going to take the combined might of the villages to combat this new evil, and he needed the Dragonborn on his side.
    As he made his way into town he looked over to see a familiar face...Zom. The zombie slayer had two short swords in his hands and he was fighting something, but Vectros couldn't tell what it was. As he came closer, he saw what it was...A Gravehound! An undead dog was attacking him. Vectros rode at full speed toward Zom to help him. His Sunblade Greatswrord was in his hand faster than the eye could blink. In one swift move, he leapt off his horse, flew through the air, and brought the blade down; severing the dog's head from its body. He stood back up and slowly sheathed his sword.
    "Are you okay, Zom? Do you need healing?" Vectros said as he turned to him.
    Zom's swords were already sheathed and his arms were crossed his chest in a very human-like fashion. "No, my friend. I do not healing. I did not even need help. I was training."
    Suddenly, Vectros felt rather embarassed. "I...uh...I didn't know. I'm sorry."
    "All is well, I suppose. Your intentions, as always, were noble. Your reputation is well earned."
    "My reputation? What do you mean?"
    "You and the rest of your group. Do you not know what everyone is calling you?"
    "No. What are they calling us?"
    "The Heroes. You, Kran, the Eldrin, and the Rogue are becoming quite the celebrities."
    Vectros couldn't help but smile. "That's very amusing. But what about you? How goes the undead killing?"
    Zom sat down on the grass. "As it so happens, Kran, Alta, and myself were recently given an assignment to eliminate a small group of undead in a graveyard a ways away from here."
    "How did that go?"
    "Between you and me, it was a bit of a reality check. Kran is truly a sight to behold on the battlefield and Alta is downright frightening, and I do not scare easily. I am supposed to be a mighty warrior, but compared to them..."
    Vectros sat down beside him. "Zom, you are a mighty warrior. Me sitting here is evidence of that. You saved my life in Old Lightville and I will be forever grateful for that."
    "I suppose you are correct. It was quite sight to behold, though, to watch Kran simply smash his foot down and slay fifteen undead at once. And to see Alta swing her blade through five zombies' chests and cut them all in half at once."
    Vectros laughed. "Yeah, that blasted Thunder Step technique of his is loud. It makes my ears ring even from across the room."
    "Thank you for your company, Vectros. It was good to see you again."
    "And you, my friend. And you." He got back on his horse and left.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:16 am