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    Prologue to The Quest of Old Lightville


    Posts : 8
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    Join date : 2011-11-04
    Age : 36

    Prologue to The Quest of Old Lightville Empty Prologue to The Quest of Old Lightville

    Post  Vectros Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:28 am

    (One month ago, soon after Clorek murdered the travelling family)
    Kran and Alta rode through the forest on their Helmdrake. The beast bounded over tree stumps, rocks, and even animals with ease. The wind rushed past the two love-stricken dragonborn as Alta held on tight to Kran as he pushed the Helmdrake even harder. Suddenly, the Helmdrake smelled something and stopped to sniff the wind. Kran looked at the beast and stroked its neck.
    "What is it, boy? Do you smell something? Let's go take a look. Go!"
    The helmdrake obeyed its master and took off in the direction of the smell. They eventually came into a small clearing and saw a terrible sight. A small human boy was cornered by a pack of wolves. Five of them circled the boy as his back was to a large rock. His eyes were just as feral and wild as the wolves' eyes were. He held a roughly carved staff in his hand with a pointed tip to it. His clothes were ripped, torn, and stained with blood, mucus, and grass stains. The child growled angrily at his attackers.
    Kran and Alta jumped off their Helmdrake and pulled their swords. Before they could attack the pack however, the Helmdrake roared at the wolves and they scattered with their tails between their legs. Kran smiled with pride and very much laughed at the sight of them running away. He was sheathing his sword when suddenly the boy attacked with his makeshift spear. Kran easily dodged it and smacked the boy to the ground. He was out cold.
    Suddenly Kran felt very stupid.
    "Kran! Why did you do that?!" Alta yelled at him.
    "He attacked me, my little love-lizard. I just reacted..."
    "And what would your mother say if you told her you just reacted?"
    Kran did the dragonborn equivalent of a human protruding his lip. "She would say 'act, never react'..."
    "Exactly. Honestly, I don't know what to do with you sometimes. Come along, then. Let's get the child back to village. I have a feeling we're going to have our work cut out for us bringing this kid back to his right mind."
    "Are you sure you don't want to stay here just a little bit longer..." Kran said as he put his arms around Alta's waist.
    "NO!" She smacked his arms away. "We have to get the child some help. You probably gave him a concussion. Let's go."
    Kran did the protruding lip thing again and put the boy in between him and Alta on the Helmdrake. The Helmdrake gave him a condescending look.
    "What? Now you're mad at me too? First the wife, now my loyal beast. I'm going to be a lonely dragonborn tonight..."

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:12 am